Περιγραφή Μαθήματος

Section 1 (20 hours)

Computer Aided Antenna design

  1. Synthesis and simulation of operation of antenna arrays for UHF transmission stations and calculation of radio-coverage
  2. Synthesis and simulation of operation of antennas for mobile communication networks and calculation of large scale coverage in urban environments
  3. Synthesis and simulation of operation of narrow and wideband microstrip antennas for mobile units of communication.

Section 2 (12 hours)

Microwave circuits Computer Aided Analysis and Design.

  1. Analysis, synthesis and simulation of linear microwave circuits, (Microwave Networks analysis via Signal Flow Diagrams):  1-Port (Matching), 2-Port (Filters), 3-Port (Power Dividers, Circulators), 4-Port (Directional Couplers, Ring Couplers).
  2. Design and simulation of non- linear Microwave circuits via Harmonic Balance and Circuit Envelope: Sources-Oscillators, Amplifiers and Mixers.

Section 3 (20 hours)

Experimental Lab exercises

  1. Scattering parameter measurements using Vector Network Analyzer,
  2. Reception and measurements of satellite signals, measurements of electromagnetic radiation intensity in FM and UHF
  3. Study of microwave devices in the X-band region (8-12GHz)
  4. RF electromagnetic radiation measurements – Estimation of hazard
  5. Optical Link measurements using OTDR

Στοιχεία Μαθήματος

Κωδικός μαθήματος:  ΗΦΤ 303

Μάθημα:  Μαθήματα Κατεύθυνσης

Εξάμηνο:  Τρίτο Εξάμηνο

Ώρες / εβδομάδα:   4

Πιστ. Μονάδες (ECTS):  8

Διδάσκοντες:  Σ. Γούδος, Δ. Μπάμπας, Α. Μπουρσιάνης, Σ. Σωτηρούδης