Περιγραφή Μαθήματος
1. Embedded systems overview
Design challenges, Design metrics, Processor technology, IC technology, Design technology, General purpose processors: Datapath, control unit, Programmer’s view, Development environment, Design flow and tools, Testing and debugging.
2. Peripherals
Timers, Counters, Watchdog timer, UART, PWM, LCD controllers, Keypad controllers, Stepper motor controllers, ADC converters
3. Memory
Memory write ability and storage permanence, Common memory types, Composing memory, Memory hierarchy and cache, Advanced RAM
4. Interfacing
Communication basics, Basic protocol concepts, Microprocessor interfacing, Interrupts, DMA, Arbitration, Advanced communication principles, Wireless communication, Error detection and correction, Serial protocols, Parallel protocols, wireless protocols.
5. Digital camera example
Introduction to a simple digital camera, specifications, Design, Implementation.
6. Practice on Embedded system design with Xilinx Vivado toolset
System implementation with High-Level Synthesis (HLS) techniques and tools.
Στοιχεία Μαθήματος
Κωδικός μαθήματος: ΗΦH 302
Μάθημα: Μαθήματα Κατεύθυνσης
Εξάμηνο: Τρίτο Εξάμηνο
Ώρες / εβδομάδα: 2
Πιστ. Μονάδες (ECTS): 8
Διδάσκοντες: Β. Κωνσταντάκος, Κ. Σιώζιος